ANNIE MEYER COLLABORATIONUsing cymatics, I visualize low, inaudible frequencies to generate patterns. These are satisfying as ASMR, and they create visually accessible sound work for communicating across difference. The silence in the room invites the viewer to lose themselves in the imagery and sensation of time expanding.
Annie encourages reorientation and fluidity through object and space relation. We share a vision for a multiplicity of converging routes with room to host all beings in every orientation and sense. Through this installation, this desire is translated into wood, clay, sound frequencies, and projections. When presented in combination, the forms literally splash together, priming a proposal for fluid futures.
Grappling with crumbling
futures that propel us backwards onto an agonizing present, we may realize that the place we are falling
toward is no longer grounded, nor is it stable. It promises no community, but a shifting formation. —Hito Steyerl
Annie Meyer